Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)

Gallery file with sizes not found!

Gallery file with description fields not found! (catalog_sizes.csv)
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Silhouette - Скраб-дессерт «Strawberry & Cream» 200 мл

В качестве абразива – косточки клубники, водоросли, полиэтиленовые гранулы. Эфирные масла апельсина, иланг-иланга, вытяжка плодов клубники снимают напряжение нервной системы, тонизируют, улучшают настроение.

Silhouette - Скраб-коктейль «Citrus Paradise» 200 мл

В качестве абразива – водоросли и полиэтиленовые гранулы. Аромамасла апельсина, лимона, мандарина оказывают тонизирующее действие.

Silhouette - Сыворотка Body Contour 125 мл

Основной эффект – липолитический.

Silhouette - Сыворотка Body Lifting 200 мл

Основной эффект – лифтинговый.

Silhouette - Сыворотка Body Tonus 200 мл

Аромапрепарат с максимальным концентрацией лимфодренажных биокомпонентов для интенсивной коррекции целлюлита 1-4 стадии.

Silhouette - Цитрусовая паста для обертывания «Fat burner» 500 мл

Оказывает липолитическое и лимфодренажное действие. Показано при целлюлите. Объем рассчитан на 5 процедур.

Silhouette - Шоколадное обертывание «Age Therapy» 500 мл

Оказывает выраженное омолаживающее действие, комплекс витаминов и факторов роста активизирует пролиферативные процессы, выработку коллагена, эластина и гиалуроновой кислоты. Объем рассчитан на 4 процедуры.

Silhouette - Эласто-ангиопротекторное обертывание «Beauty capsula» 500 мл

Применяется для коррекции растяжек и варикозного расширения вен. 

SkinTherapy - Гель для броссажа 200 мл

Для жирной кожи. В качестве абразива – гранулы полиэтилена.

SkinTherapy - Гель токопроводный 150 мл

Для любого типа кожи в методиках микротоковой терапии, ультрафонофореза, ионофореза, миостимуляции. Содержит гидролизат коллагена. Полярность заряда «+/-».

SkinTherapy - Гель-комплекс Anti Acne (жирная, жирная кожа с акне) 150 мл

Гель содержит триклозан, серу, оксид цинка, эхинацею и применяется для жирной и проблемной кожи в процедурах микротоковой терапии, ультрафонофореза, ионофореза, миостимуляции. Полярность заряда «+».

SkinTherapy - Гель-комплекс Anti Age (сухая, сухая увядающая кожа) 150 мл

Гель содержит коллаген и эластин, и применяется для сухой и зрелой кожи в методиках микротоковой терапии, ультрафонофореза, ионофореза, миостимуляции. Полярность заряда «+».

SkinTherapy - Концентрат «Detox-therapy» 200 мл

Очищение кожи от токсинов и шлаков. Для всех типов кожи.

SkinTherapy - Концентрат Anti Acne (жирная кожа осложненная акне) 200 мл

Коррекция акне. Полярность заряда «+/-».

SkinTherapy - Концентрат Anti Age (сухая увядающая кожа) 200 мл

Для зрелой кожи. Содержит коллаген, эластин, гиалуроновую кислоту. Полярность заряда «+/-».

SkinTherapy - Концентрат антисеборейный (жирная кожа) 200 мл

Коррекция себореи. Полярность заряда «+/-».

SkinTherapy - Концентрат гидратантный (сухая, сухая увядающая кожа) 200 мл

Для сухой и зрелой кожи. Содержит экстракты ламинарии и фукуса, алоэ, карбамид. Полярность заряда «+/-».

SkinTherapy - Концентрат отбеливающий 200 мл

Коррекция гиперпигментации. Полярность заряда «+/-».

SkinTherapy - Концентрат противокуперозный (жирная кожа) 200 мл

Коррекция купероза. Полярность заряда «+/-».

SkinTherapy - Концентрат противокуперозный (сухая кожа) 200 мл

Коррекция купероза. Полярность заряда «+/-».